Bargain Stocks Radar📡

The objective of this publication is to highlight interesting and obscure companies from the underbelly of the public markets.

Featured in each edition will be stocks from around the world we think are worthy of further investigation.

Companies we write about

Small/microcaps sub $1 billion dollars in market cap from exchanges located in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

While we don’t label ourselves with a particular investment style, the companies have a few things in common - healthy balance sheets, high insider ownership, and trading at a cheap price on a variety of measures.

What to expect

Expect about 6 to 8 issues per year.

Sometimes the issue will be an in-depth focus on one specific company, other times it will be lightly covering 3 stocks or more in a specific theme. It really depends on what we find.

Who’s this for?

Active stock pickers both professional and private who like reading about obscure cheap public companies that have yet to be discovered by the masses.

How much?

The newsletter is free.


Bargain Stocks Radar is written by Jon Kingston with occasional guest posts too.

Jon is an entrepreneur, keen public equity investor, and founder of the Capital Employed newsletter. He manages two private businesses and invests the excess cashflow from these operations into public companies. He lives on a small farm in rural Asia.

Please note the information in the Bargain Stocks Radar is for informational purposes only and should not be seen as investment advice. Always do your own due diligence before investing in any company.

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Uncovering obscure underfollowed companies >


Uncovering obscure underfollowed stocks.
Investor. writer/founder of